Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Doctors Appointment Tomorrow

I am anxiously awaiting my trip to the doctor tomorrow. I have been off work for several weeks now and I'm hoping for a return to work slip. I can't wait to get back to work and get back in the swing of things.

I finished up a scrapbook page today ..one that I have been working on for several weeks. It turned out really nice. It was a one page layout of Brittany when she was four years old in her cowgirl halloween costume. My plan is to start taking pictures of my layouts and get them online at my scrapbook.com site.

Robert is bowling tonight ..I hope he does well.

Brittany and I will soon be watching American Idol. I had better make sure the TiVo is set to record so that Robert can watch it tonight if he wants to.

I will give everyone an update after tomorrow.

Thanks for all the love and support!


Unknown said...

G-day from downunder!

Hope it went well at the dr's for you!

I've just subbed to your podcast in iTunes, and can't wait for the next installment, thanks heaps!

Take care, Chelle

Vero said...

Hi! My name is Veronica and I am from Mexico. I just subscribed to your podcast at iTunes, and I can't wait to get your new episode! I hope everything is ok and that you got grat news on your dr appointment.