Friday, February 09, 2007

It's Friday

Today is Friday ..and typically I would be excited but to me Friday is the same as any other day. The only good thing is that the weekend is near.

I'm not feeling the best today ...not sure what is going on. I am sure if its something to really worry about it will show its ugly head ..or quietly go away.

Brittany had a two hour delay today so I get to spend a few extra minutes with her today. She will be with her dad this weekend I am sure we are going to miss her. Although ....Roki likes letting us know that he is the center of attention.

In the past few months Roki has decided that our bed is the best place for him to sleep and has chosen the spot in the middle between Robert and I. Its about time to show is cute little self who is boss and reclaim my spot curled up to Robert. Roki can have my spot on the end. Speaking f of Roki ..I had his baby pictures printed off with the hopes of doing a scrapbook page about his life before we brought him home.

We watched Survivor last night as the first show in the current season. This is a good time of the year for watching TV ...all the good stuff is on until the spring.

I hope everyone has a good weekend ..and thanks again for all the well wishes. Things appear to be stable and I am feeling okay. Tonight, I will be in the hot tub under the stars in the cold winter air. Life doesn't get much better than that.

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