since I have blogged. This past week and a half have been filed pain, anzxiety and anger. I don't even want to go into it other than to say that a wwek and a halp later I am feeling better ...but thigns still are not resolved.
Other than dealing with my problems our life pretty much was uneventful. With all the time on the sofa I did get the opportunity to finish my ahfgan that I have been working on since last year. Its nice to finally have it folded at the bottom of the bed to have for a cold winters afternoon nap. I was very anxiuos to get it completed and ready to start another on after the beginning of the year.
I also dicovered that I LOVE The virtual game called Second Life. My avattar is Kimmy Goodnight look me up when your in second life.
I didn't realize that there are millions of players. The game can get advanced as you like. So far no one has tried to kill me. I typically don't play video games because I have terrible hand and eye coordination. I have purchsed land and am learning to buld things. So far everything I own has been purchased ....but I hope to learn the 3d modeling sson.
I haven't podcasted in two week ....I just haven't felt like it. Maybe this week.
Brittany came home last night for a weekend at home. She won't be back until Tuesday the week of Thanksgiving. Her and I are planning a mother/ daughter Black friday shopping trip this year. Last year was the first time I went ....Dreama and I had a blast. Dreama has to work this year ...I still wanted to go I am dragging my daughter with me. I think we will both have a good time.
I am having fun with Chirstmas this year. I am making all my christmas cards this year with some scrapbooking techniques I've learned ..and MOST all my gifts are personalized or handmade. Its been fun doing. I made a committment to myself that this year our gifts would be personal and not something that we just by and wrap.
However, I am not wondderwoman ...and drew the lines in a few places.
Although I am not totally up to par I am looking forward to head back to work. I will however miss my puppy dog ...he has been curled up to me snoring in my ear almost every day.
Robert and my prayers go out to our good friend Norma. We will her a sppedy recovery through this time of crisis. Our love and prayers with be with her daily until she gets through this.
Robert and I were supposed to head to Ron and Dreama's this evening. I was so looking forward to sharing an evening with them. We made the mistake of laying down for a nap ...and after waking up jsut really wanted to stay home cuddled up on the sofa with my baby other baby, my laptop and the TV.
Look fora podcast this week!!