Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day

Its Labor Day ...and we are not doing much. Robert is outside laboring with the lawnmower ..and I inside working to my plants. Once a year I re-plant, re-everything to my plants to make them healthy fro the winter.

I haven't blogged in awhile ....but I haven't really been up to much other than not feeling well. I did manage to get out of the house this past Saturday. For Alicia's birthday ....I gave her a shopping trip to Pittsburgh ...Robinson Township Mall. Alicia, Brittany, Dee and Brittany got an early start and was on our way to Pittsburgh by 9:00. We had the best time shopping. It was fun a girly shopping trip. When we came home we had more Victoria Secret shopping bags than anything else. It was a blast ...we all had a great time. I am ready to go again ...but I had better save some money first. When we got back ...Ron had surprised Dee with dinner that he worked on all day for Dee and Alicia. I am glad Alicia especially had a good time ...since it was for her that we went. Alicia and Dee had some time to bond ....and I think they are getting along great.

My surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday ...9/11. What a day to be having surgery ....but I am not superstitious at all. And if I am ...I had better get over it really quick. I have been trying to keep my spirits up ...and I try not thinking about the Lymphoma part of it too much until we have hard evidence from pathology. With the love of my friends and family ..I am ready to take what ever God has planned for me. I know that everything happens for a reason I am sure there is a reason I am going through this. I am taking it one day at a time.

Brittany and Robert have been wonderful ....words can't express how much love is in this household. I love them both so very much!

On a fun note ....Apple is probably going to announce a new ipod tomorrow ...I can't wait!! When I was in Pittsburgh Saturday ..I did get to hold and play with an iphone for a few minutes ......FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!

Anyhow ....I will try to keep everyone updated via the blog. On some days my nerves get the best of me I may or may not blog again before the surgery. If I don't ...please keep me in your prayers ..and I am sure Robert will be talking to many of you to give you updates next week.

Love to you all


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