Sunday, August 12, 2007

Just waiting on Brittany

It's Sunday afternoon ...and all I have to do is finish this post and dry my hair before Brittany gets home. When she get home we are off to do some errands like grocery shopping. We have next to nothing in our cupboards it will be a change to have some food on the shelves. I love shopping with Brittany ...she keeps me focused while we are shopping. She likes staying on task.

I have felt good this weekend ......we camped last night. It was nice falling asleep listening to the tree frogs .....then Robert woke me up so I wouldn't miss out on the call of a wild coyote pack running through. Needless to say ......that shook me up just a little. The the owl hooting afterwards didn't help. Typically, I love sounds of nature ....I just don't like coyotes. It was good sleeping weather ....we stayed up around talked around the camp fire. I wish Dee could have joined us ....but I did get a chance to shout out a hello to her when she called Ron. Alicia came up for a visit this morning at the campsite when she got home from her moms ...she is growing up too fast.

Next Saturday Brittany and I are going school clothes shopping ....which should be fun. She also as an appointment at the salon get ready for the first day of school a few days following. Brittany will be a junior this year we are so excited for her.

We also have another shopping trip planned at Robinson Township Mall the beginning of September ..this is my birthday gift to Alicia her, myself, Brittany and hopefully Dee will be heading north for some shopping fun!

I had my MRI Friday .....I was a nervous wreck ...and really made myself sick trying to stay calm. I don't know anything as of yet ....I just checked about an hour ago. I keep telling myself that if my doctor as not called me then its not bad results. I am very nervous and I am trying very hard not to think about it at all. On the good side of things ...other than the virus I had last week coupled with my nerves it was a good with when it came to my other problems. I feel good today ..and I am so so so looking forward to having a normal work week.

I am so glad I cam back to Blogger. Blogging was just not the same. I am going to quit worrying about who is reading what ....if you come here and see something you don't like and offends you its your own fault for coming and nosing around.

Speaking of blogging ...I need to get back on target for reaching the goal of 100 posts by the end of the year.


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