Sunday, July 29, 2007

I couldn't take it!!

I had to come back to blogger. I tried using the other one and I hated it. I think in the past month I have only blogged a few times .....cause my heart just wasn't in it.

I do think that I threw those pesky coworkers of mine off the trail .....I can't stand nosey people. I know who they are ...and they know that I know I am pleased.

It going to be a short week at work since we are heading north for a few days.

I have my Morgan town doctors appointment this Tuesday I hope that I get some more answers to what is going on.

I am so tired .....I can barely type heart wants to keep on typing .....cause I just LOVE being back at Blogger ....but I am going to retire for today. I will blog again tomorrow. I can't blog while I am at work directly into Blogger ...but I can send my account an email and it will automatically format it as a post.

I have a LOT of cathcing up to do. I made a bet with my brother that I would make 100 posts by the end of the year ....and due to my co-workers irritating me ...I am now behind schedule.

1 comment:

George Hall said...

Welcome back.......again