Monday, March 19, 2007

It was back to work today

After being off work on an extended medical leave of absence it was time to go back. I have to admit I was excited about going back ...ready to get back in the swing of things. Believe it or not I was up at 4:00 to start get ready insane is that?

I am sure before too long I will another vacation. Nothing like ATVing, camping and retail therapy.

I am still loving my new phone. I love have a pocket pc and phone rolled into one device. My dear husband got it for me because of everything I have been through over the past several weeks.

While I was off I did manage to get a very successful ebay business off the ground. It was something I always wanted to do but never had the time due to not enough hours in a day. But after my doctor putting me off work and not allowing me to go back until my kidney function was back at the stage one level ....I thought what the heck. It didn't require a lot of effort at all before I was making quite a good profit.

Brittany is taking the presidents physical fitness challenge this week ..and is really working hard to exceed her last scores.

Robert and I went to Lowes tonight to get a switch and I think I found a wonderful set of shelving to the tons of scrap booking supplies I have acquired over the past several weeks. I have a really good portfolio started. It turned out way better than I ever thought it would. I never considered myself as having any creativity ....but I think I have for the first time proven myself wrong.

Well ...until next time ...See ya

PS ...Happy Birthday AMY!

1 comment:

Vero said...

I'm so glad you are better! I've just heard your last episode on iTunes and I loved it. I know exactly what you mean by hiding your journal. I have this program for MAC called Journler which is awesome.. it is like a pesonal diary and as it is on my laptop and on a hidden place, no one can see it, which is great.

I'm studying Industrial Design and I think that your advices can become very helpful for me, specially on my professional life.

How come can you smell snow!! Is that really possible? What does it smell like?

I've been wondering.. is there any way I could learn how to digital scrapbook like making layouts or something? I've seen this site and they've got many nice things, but I really don't know how to do it. Do you know where I could learn that?

I'd love to podcast too!! Could you teach me anytime? I'll leave you my email in case you want to email me anytime, ok?

I hope you are feeling better now!!! Nice talking to you.